Digital watermarking, Forensics, Biometrics, Content Protection

Track-I of ICICSA 2022

Due to the rapid development of Internet technology, the demand for efficient information security techniques has significantly increased due to privacy leakage, identity theft, illegal copying, and data distribution. The utilization of digital images as a piece of evidence is rapidly growing in numerous applications, including medical, litigation, and journalism. With the rapid advancement of the Internet and computer technology, images can be readily spread, reproduced, and modified. Validation and detection of any forgery attempt in the image without using an active forensic technique like digital signature and digital watermarking are very difficult for researchers. Unlike active methods, passive forensic approaches do not need pre-embedded knowledge about the original image. Because of this, information hiding approaches have received much attention in several industrial and other application areas. Furthermore, advances in fundamental pattern recognition techniques and new algorithms have demonstrated the social impacts of biometrics technology. This special track will provide an ideal framework for high-quality contributions in these upcoming and extremely active research domains.

This track of ICICSA 2022 solicits high quality unpublished original research paper in the following track but not limited to-

Track chair:
Dr. Durgesh Singh, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur
Dr. Debanjan Sadhya, ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior


Submission Due Author Notification Due Registration due Camera-ready submission due
15.07.2022 20.08.2022 25.08.2022 25.08.2022
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