Registration Fee (A registration fee covers two papers) Indian authors(INR) Foreign Authors
Academician INR 5,000 (6,000 for physical) USD 200
Industrial INR 6,000 (7,000 for physical) USD 250
Student INR 4,000.00 (5,000 for physical) USD 150

Account Details for Registration

National Transactions:

The payment should be made only through State Bank Collect at State Bank of India (, SBI->Collect->Accept->Assam->Educational Institute->Online Fee Collection Account NIT Silchar->Select Category (ICICSA 2022)

International Transactions:

Account Number: 910010049704315
Account Name: National Institute of Technology Silchar
Bank Name and Address: Axis Bank Limited Silchar Branch, Assam, India
Beneficiary Name: National Institute of Technology Silchar, Silchar, Assam, India
Swiftcode: AXISINBB271

Form to be filled after sucessful registration, Click Here