2nd International Conference
Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications


Organized by
National Institute of Technology Silchar
September 22-23, 2023

Program Schedule - ICICSA 2023 Paper Submission is CLOSED. Registration process is open for accepted papers - Click Here. The details of all registration files (including camera ready copy, registration fees proof, plagiarism proof etc.) is required to email: icicsa@cse.nits.ac.in.     Paper template:Microsft Word, Latex., Overleaf Template

About the conference

The objective of ICICSA-2023 is to provide a floor for deliberations on strategies, recent trends and innovative approaches of different domains of Computer/Electronics/Communication Engineering like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Audio and Speech Processing, Software Architecture, Deep Learning Wireless computing, computer networking, information security, embedded systems, etc. and its applications for intelligent computing. This international conference (ICICSA-2023) will be organized for the first time by the department of Computer Science & Engineering of NIT Silchar during 22-23 September, 2023.
In addition, this international conference will provide a platform for researchers, practitioners and technologists to present and discuss the recent trends, innovations and practical challenges in the fields of computer science/electronics/communication engineering emphasizing domains like: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Audio and Speech Processing, Software Architecture, Deep Learning Wireless computing, computer networking and information security etc. The main objectives of this conference are given below:

  • To promote research by sharing innovative ideas among all levels of scientific and civil community.
  • To provide opportunities for multi-stakeholder to develop creative solutions to unresolved challenges in research and implementation under various domains of Computer/Electronics/Communication engineering.

It is planned to publish the peer reviewed and selected papers of conference as proceedings with Springer in their prestigious “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems” series (https://www.springer.com/series/15179). For detailed instructions for author and editors of conference proceedings, kindly visit the following link: https://www.springer.com/us/authors-editors/conference-proceedings. Select papers from the conference will be published by Springer as a proceedings book volume. Springer will conduct quality checks on the accepted papers and only papers that pass these checks will be published. Springer Nature does not charge any money for publication of Non-Open Access content. Abstracts/extended abstracts and short papers (less than 4 pages) are not considered for publication.

ICICSA-2023 is expected to bring together researchers, educators, students, practitioners, technocrats, and policymakers from academia, government, industry, and nongovernmental organizations to discuss, share, and promote current research works and recent research accomplishments across all aspects of electrical, electronic, computer science and instrumentation. With an amalgam of events, e.g., keynote addresses by reputed academicians, high-quality plenary sessions, tutorials, workshops, student paper contests, industry exhibitions, high-quality research demonstrations from the best researchers across the globe, ICICSA-2023 will offer such a platform for networking & knowledge dissemination. Submit your paper.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
NIT Silchar
Pin code-788010, Silchar
Assam, India
  • Paper Submission is CLOSED
  • Conference will be held in Hybrid mode
  • Best Paper Award will be presented



Prof. Niloy Ganguly IIT Kharagpur


Prof. R. Balasubramanian IIT Roorkee


Dr. Anand Nayyar School of Computer Science-Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam


Prof. Sivaji Bandyopadhyay Former Director, National Institute Of Technology, Silchar, Assam, India And Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


Prof. Subarna Shakya Professor, Department of Electronics and Computer engineering Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering, Director, IT Innovation Center Tribhuvan University, Nepal


Dr. Pratyay Kuila Associate Professor HoD & Dean (R&C) Department of Computer Science & Engineering National Institute of Technology, Sikkim-737139, India


First Deadline of Submission 15th May, 202315th June, 2023   25th July 2023
Paper Decision 5th July 2023(Phase wise)   30th July 2023(Phase wise)
Final Paper Submission 31th July 2023
Registration Deadline 20th August 2023
Conference Dates 22nd & 23rd September 2023


National Institute of Technology Silchar, India


E-Mail: icicsa@cse.nits.ac.in

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